Eurydice and the Femenine Born Power in Macedon
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The story of Queen Eurydice of Macedon begins over the years that become a constellation of Hellenistic Queens who will challenge the throne of their husbands and sons, and that ends with the famous Cleopatra VII. This article starts to denote some important points about the understanding of the ancient female power, first reviewing to the ideological process that build social construction of the Patriarchy, next, to the briefly analysis of the women’s role in Macedon, and in particular with the first princesses, and their possible attachment with the religion, and by this, with the power. Finally, this article study Eurydice’s personality Philip II mother, from the theories about her Illyrian origin to her marriage with Amyntas III, and the necessity that he maybe has to this engagement. At last, it examine Eurydice’s role in the conspiracy of Ptolemy of Alorus, and her maternity and sovereignty that open the interest of women for the power in Macedon.
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