<i>Republic</i> I and Criticism of the Socratic <i>Elenchus</i>

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José Edgar González Varela


Book I of Plato’s Republic differs notably in style and philosophical strategy from books II-X. In this paper I explain why there is such a difference. I defend a novel version of a well-known thesis: that the main role of Republic I is to criticize Socrates. My interpretation is novel in two respects: (a) I emphasize that the critique is directed exclusively to Socrates’ philosophical method (the elenchus) and not to some specific Socratic doctrine, and (b) I claim that Republic I shows that the elenchus may fail in two different ways: by failure of the elenchus’ preferred dialectical weapon (the techne analogy, Cleitophon) and by failure of one of the conditions of possibility of the dialogue (basic agreement about values and virtues, Thrasymachus).


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How to Cite
González Varela, J. E. “<i>Republic</i> I and Criticism of the Socratic <i>Elenchus</I>”. Noua Tellus, vol. 30, no. 2, Aug. 2013, doi:10.19130/iifl.nt.2012.30.2.419.
Author Biography

José Edgar González Varela, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Shef-field (Reino Unido), maestro y licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Na-cional Autónoma de México, es investigador asociado en el Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de esta última universidad. Sus áreas de especialización son la historia de la filosofía (filosofía antigua), en particular Platón y Aristóte-les, y la metafísica contemporánea. Ha publicado artículos sobre filosofía griega y metafísica en revistas especializadas.