Irene M. Weiss

Irene M. Weiss

Irene M. Weiss is graduated in Modern Literature, Classical Literature and Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires, she taught Classical Literature at the University of Buenos Aires and the National University of Mar del Plata. She obtained her doctorate in Italy under the direction of Bruno Gentili (Un nuovo approccio alle Anacreontiche, 1989). Since 1993 she has been Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture at the Seminar for Romance Languages at the University of Mainz. Her research focuses mainly on Ancient Greek and Golden Age Literature. On topics in these areas she has various publications in journals, yearbooks and books; she is also editor of Emma Barrandéguy’s Poesías completas (2009, reissued in 2019) and of the collective volumes Traducir poesía (2014), Bukoliasmos (2016, together with H. Seng), Fray Montesino y su tiempo (2017, together with S. Jansen), Bucólica y elegía erótica (2017, together with A. Álvarez Hernández) and Eneas: la trayectoria transatlántica de un mito fundacional (2019, together with A. Álvarez Hernández and S. Leopold).