Ricardo Salles

Ricardo Salles

Ricardo Salles (BA, Mexico 1990; MPhil and PhD King’s College London, 1993-1997) is a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City since 1997. He is member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), level III. He was a fellow of Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies (2003-2004), a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2010-2011), a fellow of the National Humanities Center in North Carolina (2018), a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford (Wolfson College, 2019 and Corpus Christi College, 2022-2023). He also was the director of the journal Diánoia (issues 58-65), the director of Philosophy Postgraduate Studies at the UNAM (May 2007-August 2010) and the coordinator of the Greek Philosophical Texts Reading Group of the UNAM since 1997. His research work has centered on ancient philosophy and especially on metaphysics and ethics in Aristotle and the Stoics. His latest publications include “Los antecedentes presocráticos de la teoría estoica de la conflagración”, Journal of Ancient Philosophy, 16.1, 2022, pp. 88-114; “The Stoic cosmic soul and the theory of seminal principles”, in J. Wilberding (ed.), The World-Soul. The History of a Concept, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 44-66, and the edited volume Biology and Cosmology in Ancient Philosophy: from Thales to Avicenna, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021.

