Carmen Morenilla Talens

Carmen Morenilla Talens is Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Valencia (Spain). Since its beginnings she has dealt with classical theater and its survival. She is co-director of GRATUV (; member of the Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos of the Universidade de Coimbra. She has directed I+D projects of the Ministry of Research and is currently a member of METra: Mapping Epic in Tragedy, project directed by Andrea Rodighiero. Together with her partner and husband José Vicente Bañuls Oller (†), she has devoted many efforts to the training of young researchers; some of her disciples are now professors in several Spanish and foreign universities; co-founder and co-director of Tycho. Journal of initiation in the research of classical Greek and Latin theater and its tradition ( She has combined academic activity and management at the University (Dean of the Faculty, Head of the Department, etc.) with social commitment in various fields (syndicate, politician and, especially, in cultural policy). Recent publications: with Evelio Mínanos Martínez, “Cuando el dolor se hace denuncia: Por qué, Hécuba, de Matei Visniec (2014)”, Los hilos de la memoria. Esbozos sobre Tradición clásica, David García Pérez (Ed.), UNAM, 2022; with Núria Llagüerri Pubill, “Γνῶμαι πλέον κρατοῦσιν ἢ σθένος χερῶν. Los juicios rectos más poder tienen que la fuerza de las manos (Sófocles fr. 939 Radt). Odiseo entre la esperanza y la decepción”, Ordia Prima, 2022.