André Laks

André Laks holds a PhD in Classical Letters from the University of Lille and a PhD in Philosophy from the Sorbonne. He was Professor of Ancient Philosophy at University of Lille, 1989-1991 and 1994-2007; at Princeton University, 1991-1994; at Sorbonne University, 2007-2012, at Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, since 2012. He is member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), Level 3, since 2019. His main lines of research are the beginnings of philosophy in Greece, Plato and Aristotle, doxography, the modern reception of ancient philosophy and the history of hermeneutics.

Recent publications:

  • Plato’s Second Republic: An Essay on his Laws, Princeton University Press, 2022.
  • Historiographies de la philosophie ancienne. Neuf études, Paris, Les Belles-Lettres, 2021.
  • The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy. Its Origin, Development, and Significance, Princeton University Press, 2018.
  • Early Greek Philosophy, 9 volumes, Cambridge, MA - Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library, 524-532), 2016. French edition in one volume: Les débuts de la philosophie. Des premiers penseurs grecs à Socrate, Paris, Fayard, 2016.