Stefania Giombini

Stefania Giombini

Stefania Giombini is a PhD in Philosophy from the Pontificia Università Lateranense (PUL) and in Law from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), associate professor of History of Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She is the Director of Eleatica (an international session on Eleatism), a Council Member of the International Association for Presocratic Studies, an Honorary Member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Retórica, and a member of international societies and Editorial Boards of scientific journals on philosophy and classical studies. She is the deputy director of Ius Fugit – Journal of Legal Culture and the co-director of the Eleatica Series and Supplementa Eleatica (Academia Verlag). Her studies and publications range from rhetoric, philosophy and ancient Greek law. Among her publications: Gorgia Epidittico. Commento filosofico all’Encomio di Elena, all’Apologia di Palamede e all’Epitaffio (Aguaplano, 2012), recent papers on sophistry and law (“La legge che vieta di uccidere giustamente e ingiustamente nelle Tetralogie B e Γ di Antifonte”, Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos, 2021; “Sophistry and Law: The Antilogical Pattern of Judicial Debate”, Humanities, 12/1, 2023), and on the birth of judicial rhetoric (“Corax and Anticorax: To the Origins of Judicial Rhetoric”, Ius Fugit, 25, 2022).