NOVA TELLVS Code of ethics

The NOVA TELLVS journal subscribes to the code of ethics for the performance of the actors involved in the publication process of this journal (editors, editorial board, authors and arbitrators) established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and available in

Guidelines and best editorial practices

Editorial Board

  1. The Editorial Board of the NOVA TELLVS journal is responsible for publishing contents with the following characteristics: academic quality and scientific rigor, adequate technical format, under the current regulations on the subject, and management of the technical process in the stipulated time.
  2. The Editorial Board, with the collaboration of the Scientific Board and the Advisory Board, manages the judgement of the works in an objective and impartial manner. In order to ensure this commitment, the starting point is absolute respect for the intellectual work of each of the authors, the methodology used, and the academic proposals presented.
  3. The members of the Editorial Board observe the confidentiality of the content, the judging process, and the technical process of the works received.
  4. It is required that the members of the Editorial Board and the arbitrators not make improper use of the contents to be reviewed in each and every one of the publication processes.
  5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to thoroughly review any academic and publication malpractice that affects the integrity of NOVA TELLVS; in its case, it disclaims responsibility for any irregularity in which bad faith, fraud, or simulation is demonstrated by the author or the publication that adopts any unethical academic and/or technical practice.
  6. The acceptance and rejection of texts for publication, in each case, is the right of the Editorial Board and the Direction of the journal according to the ruling procedure (see Academic ruling).
  7. It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board and the Management of the journal to strictly observe the Guide for collaborators, as well as the Code of Ethics and adequate procedure for the publication of texts.


  1. Only unpublished works are accepted for publication and there must be no other simultaneous process being conducted for the same purpose. The ruling process begins only when it is proven that the material is original.
  2. Authors must submit their work strictly following the editorial guidelines of NOVA TELLVS contained in the Guide for collaborators.
  3. ny reference to other texts, authors, or materials of other genre must be accredited, with any omission that affects copyright being the sole responsibility of the applicant.
  4. By sending their work to NOVA TELLVS, the authors accept its printed and digital publication once the entire editing process has taken place.



  1. Ruling must be objective, clear, and precise, adhering to the format that the Editorial Board delivers together with the material to be reviewed.
  2. Ruling must be delivered within thirty calendar days of reception of the material to be reviewed. In the event that the arbitrator considers that it is not possible for them to carry out the ruling, they must immediately inform the Editorial Board of this decision.
  3. Any material that is submitted for ruling is considered confidential information.
  4. Arbitrators must provide the widest possible information and sufficient arguments so that the Editorial Board and the Direction of the journal can carry out the definitive evaluation of the reviewed works.


  1. NOVA TELLVS is a publication attached to the Centro de Estudios Clásicos of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas. As it receives public funding through the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, it is an open access journal.
  2. In order to fulfill its functions and purposes, NOVA TELLVS develops its material and technical processes in accordance with the academic dispositions and material possibilities of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.