Giuditta Cavalletti

Giuditta Cavalletti earned his Ph. D. in Classical Letters from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and she is a researcher at the Centro de Estudios Clásicos of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas of the UNAM. She is Director of NOVA TELLVS, the only Mexican journal that publishes works related to the study of the classical ancient world, its tradition and reception. He belongs to the National System of Conacyt Researchers (SNI). She is dedicated to the study of Latin epigraphy, understood as a means of communication and a propaganda tool, in relation to the political and religious sphere of the Roman world, and to the reception of classical motifs in the modern world. She teaches the subjects of Roman History and Introduction to Latin Epigraphy, at the College of Classical Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UNAM). She has participated in national and international congresses in which she has presented papers related to her lines of research. Her recent publications include, among others, the articles “La escritura expuesta en Roma: el caso de los epígrafes” y “El uso de la epigrafía en ámbito político: el caso de las Res gestae divi Augusti” and the book Recepción Clásica y modernidad en los siglos XX y XXI: la antigüedad clásica en la narrativa y pensamientos contemporáneos, edited by Javier Espino Martín and Giuditta Cavalletti, Ciudad de México, UNAM, 2022.