Hugo Francisco Bauzá

Hugo Francisco Bauzá
PhD in Classical Studies (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) and Doctorate (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, thesis directed by Pierre Grimal). For four decades, Dr. Bauza was Professor of Latin Language and Culture (UBA). Although trained in Classical Philology, he has in recent years directed his research to the philosophical field of imaginaire. At the National Academy of Sciences (Buenos Aires) he leads the Center for Imaginary Studies. Numerous missions abroad as guest professor in several international Universities (Complutense, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Perpignan, Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile) and lecturer at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and at Dartmouth College (USA). He translated the works of Virgil (EUDEBA), Propertius (Alliance), Tibulo (“Alma Mater”) and Terencio (Colihue). Author of nearly a hundred papers in specialized
journals in classical culture. Author of twelve books, among them: Poetry and representation in the ancient world; What is a myth, The sibylline tradition, Perspectives on suicide, Virgil, Memoirs of the poet (novel-essay, which has recently been translated into German).