Acerca del léxico onírico de Aristóteles y Artemidoro

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Virma Donnadieu Sánchez


The analysis of dreams was antiquely made starting from the physiological study of sleep, or considering it as a form of divination. Nowadays some phylologists have divided the early works-written in greek and latin-about onirocritic in onirology and oniromantic. This work analyzes the most important treatise's about each kind: two by Aristotle and another one by Artemidorus of Daldis. The onirocritic terms that both authors use are exposed in this article and their meanings are analyzed in their own context. The philosopher from Stagira worked only with the necessary lexicon to explain the arguments. Artemidorus established a complicated classification of onirocritic terms, which was artificious and even lessscientific.


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How to Cite
Donnadieu Sánchez, V. “Acerca Del léxico onírico De Aristóteles Y Artemidoro”. Noua Tellus, vol. 17, no. 1, Nov. 2013, doi:10.19130/iifl.nt.1999.17.1.89.
Author Biography

Virma Donnadieu Sánchez

Licenciada en Letras Clásicas por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, es estudiosa de la terminología y la simbología oníricas de textos grecolatinos clásicos y bizantinos.