Bárbaros y otros extranjeros en la Atenas clásica: el testimonio de los epitafios

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Torben Vestegaard


Notes on foreigners and their ethnic origins are few and scattered in classical Athenian literature. Funerary inscriptions provide more comprehensive and more detailed information, yielding a large material of names with ethnics. They include mostly free-born immigrants, among them many women, who probably enjoyed a more independent life than Athenian women. The great majority of immigrants bear ethnics denoting citizenship of a variety of Greek city-states.  Foreigners with barbarian ethnics do not account for more than about 10%, a remarkable fact in the light of Xenophon’s statement (Poroi, 2,3) that most probably is a psychologically easily explainable exaggeration.


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How to Cite
Vestegaard, T. “Bárbaros Y Otros Extranjeros En La Atenas clásica: El Testimonio De Los Epitafios”. Noua Tellus, vol. 22, no. 1, Oct. 2023, doi:10.19130/iifl.nt.2004.22.1.134.
Author Biography

Torben Vestegaard

Doctor en Letras por la Universidad de Copenhague, es profesor de latín y griego, y estudioso de epigrafía y de gramática de latín y griego.