La reductio ad absurdum de la tesis heracliteana del flujo: Teeteto, 179c-183b

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Luis Alonso Gerena Carrillo


This article shows especially that it is not possible to claim, with McDowell, that Plato in the Theaetetus distinguishes between a moderate Heraclitean
doctrine (the reformulated secret doctrine) and an extreme doctrine, and that this one is reduced to absurdity in the passage 179c-183b. Plato shows that —since the descriptíon of the process of perception of the secret doctrine involves extreme flux of sensible objects, and because extreme flux is absurd, as it is showed in the 179c-183b passage— the secret doctrine is rejected.


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How to Cite
Gerena Carrillo, L. A. . “La Reductio Ad Absurdum De La Tesis Heracliteana Del Flujo: Teeteto, 179c-183b”. Noua Tellus, vol. 21, no. 1, July 2023, pp. 23-54,
Author Biography

Luis Alonso Gerena Carrillo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Luis Alonso Gerena Carrillo, maestro en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, es estudioso de Platón y de Aristóteles.