Píndaro y las leyes del mercado

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Rubén Bonifaz Nuño


While praising the poetry, in fací his own poetry, Pindar went ahead his time in centuries, and he assumed a common position that is clearly effective today,
when the human relationships are governed by the marketing laws. His merchandise, that poetry unsurpassed, is optimal, and the victories consecrated by the Pindar's hymns have become effective today, when other victories similar to those lie under an unconquerable ignorance.


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How to Cite
Bonifaz Nuño, R. . “Píndaro Y Las Leyes Del Mercado”. Noua Tellus, vol. 20, no. 2, June 2023, pp. 13-34, https://revistas-filologicas.unam.mx/nouatellus/index.php/nt/article/view/1086.
Author Biography

Rubén Bonifaz Nuño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas

RUBÉN BONIFAZ ÑUÑO, doctor en Letras (clásicas) por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, es estudioso y traductor de Virgilio, Propercio, Catulo, Ovidio, Horacio, Lucrecio, César, Píndaro, Hornero y Eurípides.