Teología y racionalidad en la filosofía estoica

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José Molina Ayala


The stoic theology is identified with the physics, or at least it belongs to it. God is studied in two ways: as hegemonic principie of the Universe, and as being present in the whole universe. The stoicism used the proselytism and rhetorical theology, and showed God's existence specially based upon the rational and theological order of the world. While studying their arguments, we must consider the stoic presuppositions: materialistic monism and its conception of the world as a continuous, organic and rational whole. Also the text and translation of the stoic theology fragments here given were collected by Long and Sedley.


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How to Cite
Molina Ayala, J. “Teología Y Racionalidad En La filosofía Estoica”. Noua Tellus, vol. 19, no. 2, June 2023, pp. 109-54, https://revistas-filologicas.unam.mx/nouatellus/index.php/nt/article/view/1052.
Author Biography

José Molina Ayala, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas

José Molina, maestro en Letras Clásicas por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, es profesor de griego, y estudioso de la filosofía de Jámblico.

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