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Vol. 55 No. 2 (2023)

Something Else Bakhtin Did Not Say. Heteroglossia and Polyphony in Alfonso X’s estorias

Mario Cossío Olavide
University of Minnesota

Published 2024-06-27


  • Alfonso X,
  • General estoria,
  • Estoria de España,
  • Mijaíl Bajtín,
  • historiografía medieval
  • Alfonso X,
  • General estoria,
  • Estoria de España,
  • Mikhail Bakhtin,
  • Medieval historiography

How to Cite

Cossío Olavide, Mario. 2024. “Something Else Bakhtin Did Not Say. Heteroglossia and Polyphony in Alfonso X’s Estorias”. Medievalia 55 (2):137-57. https://doi.org/10.19130/medievalia.55.2/0037X01WS2731171S0XW36.


In this article, I propose a theoretical approximation to the genesis and development of Alfonso X’s estorias, with an emphasis on the General estoria, using Mikhail Bakhtin’s discursive analysis theories. My purpose is not to offer a full theoretical model that can be used to analyze the Alfonsine historiographical craft, but rather to contextualize some of the discursive phenomena to which it is subject using a modern optic and to formulate unresolved questions on how this type of approach can help scholars deepen our understanding of the many senses in Alfonso’s histories.


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