Primary Pragmatic Functions in Child Spanish Gerunds
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Child Language Acquisition
Speech Acts adquisición de la lengua materna
actos de habla

How to Cite

Espinosa Ochoa, M. R. (2016). Primary Pragmatic Functions in Child Spanish Gerunds. Anuario De Letras. Lingüística Y Filología, 4(1), 5-32.


Pragmatic use is directly linked to the child’s interest for language since it allows her to do things with words and influence her world. Spanish Gerunds make reference to a durative imperfective aspect which is in competence with present indicative, this competence confers Spanish Gerunds an specific function in language. Which is this function in Child Spanish Speech? In order to answer this question all of the sentences with Gerund were analyzed in the ETAL-UNAM Database (Rojas Nieto 2007), a longitudinal sample (1;10-4;00 aprox.) of three children in spontaneous interaction was chosen for this purpose. According to the results obtained Gerunds Primary Pragmatic function is assertive, since pure description are their basic usage goal which take slowly additional functions.
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