Enfoque y alcance
Medievalia is a multidisciplinary journal on Europe Medieval Ages. It is an open access journal and a strictly peer-review journal. It publishes original texts only. Typical consultants are specialists in European Middle Ages, but also graduate and undergraduate professors and graduate alumni are potential readers of Medievalia.
Topics. Works on all disciplines which allow a better understanding of Medieval period are welcome, but, strictly, the journal is specialized in six knowledge-areas: Philosophy, History, Literature, Language, Philology, and Critical Edition. Works indirectly related to Medieval period, but that shed light on antecedents or consequences on Medieval Ages are welcome also.
Frequency. Medievalia, from 2020, publishes two numbers per year; before that date, it was an annual journal.
Publication ethics. Medievalia has a completely open access politics. Because of that, all numbers, 1989-2019, are available on the web. It publishes a very reduced quantity in paper-back, for authors, libraries, and exchange.
Evaluation. Every work is evaluated by a blind-peer-reviewers system; one evaluation comes from Mexico, another one comes from outside. A third reviewer intervenes in case of different opinions in the first evaluation. Evaluations are sent to the author, always and integrally. Medievalia publishes short notes and reviews also.
Languages. Medievalia publishes in all Romance languages, and in English.
Extension of works. 40 pages maximum, double spaced; American page size. Examples, and literal citations must be in single space and indented.