Guillermo Rojo

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain




Guillermo Rojo has been Emeritus Professor of Spanish Linguistics of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela since his retirement in August 2017, and has been a member of the Real Academia Española since 2001. In recent years his research has focused on clausal syntactic structures and the creation of databases for their analysis, including the Base de datos sintácticos del español actual. He has worked on the design, construction, and use of large textual corpuses such as the Real Academia Española’s Corpus de referencia del español actual (CREA), Corpus diacrónico del español (CORDE), and Corpus del español del siglo XXI (CORPES), the Corpus de referencia do galego actual (CORGA) of the Centro Ramón Piñeiro para la investigación en Humanidades, and, with Ignacio Palacios, the Corpus de aprendices de español como segunda lengua (CAES) of the Instituto Cervantes.
