Metaphor and metonymy in the development of the conceptual and linguistic space of mindfulness practices
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cognitive linguistics
language-conceptualization interaction
Idealized Cognitive Models
structure recycling atención plena
lingüística cognitiva
interacción lengua-conceptualización
Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados
reciclaje de estructuras

How to Cite

Silvestre-López, A. J. (2016). Metaphor and metonymy in the development of the conceptual and linguistic space of mindfulness practices. Anuario De Letras. Lingüística Y Filología, 4(2), 335-398.


The study of consciousness and the ‘experience of being’ is not new, neither are
the concepts addressed in this paper. One of its most relevant contributions is the introduction to a new model of representation of part of this experience (that is, the experience perceived by meditators during the practice of mindfulness) grounded on basic, well-established and acknowledged parameters within the cognitive paradigm. Departing from a cognitive linguistics perspective, the paper presents the ‘Contemplation’ Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM) and describes its structure with the help of a series of examples extracted from a corpus compiled out of the linguistic production of instructors and novices in mindfulness courses. More concretely, the paper firstly introduces the space that emerges in the meditator’s consciousness, a space that enables the perception of the observed phenomena during ‘mindful’ periods. Then it describes how the mechanics of the aforementioned ICM paves the way for the integration of preconceptual and conceptual structure, and how this very integration allows experiencing the ‘observer’s scenario’ and hence consciously apprehending the phenomena that occur therein. The paper concludes with a series of considerations concerning the data handled in it, different lines of research stemming from the one proposed in the study, and potential applications in different fields.
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