The Spanish prepositions en and a in prepositional phrases with names of object. A description from cognitive approach: the case of 'volante' and 'timón'
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telic qualia
metaphorical and metonymic mappings preposición
rol télico
conexiones metafóricas y metonímicas

How to Cite

Hernández, P. C. (2016). The Spanish prepositions en and a in prepositional phrases with names of object. A description from cognitive approach: the case of ’volante’ and ’timón’. Anuario De Letras. Lingüística Y Filología, 4(2), 153-204.


The present paper deals with the apparent alternation of Spanish prepositions en (≈ in) and a (≈ at) with the lexemes volante (‘wheel’) and timón (‘helm’) in spatial scenes where a figure is located with respect to a reference object. It is argued that although these prepositional phrases share a wide range of uses in context, they do not necessarily evoke the same scene. Our study proposes a semantic pragmatic characterization of these expressions from a cognitive perspective: the view presented here is that (i) the construction of meaning is a holistic process and (ii) words are ways of access to socially shared frames. Our approachs grounded on concepts such as telic qualia, frames, active zones, metonymic and metaphoric mappings. A qualitative study of 671 utterances sheds light on the particularities of each expression: the prepositional phrases en el volante / timón can locate figures animate or inanimate while al volante / timón require animated figures that have a relevant interaction with the locator. Furthermore, it is shown that the phrases with the lexeme timón frequently give rise to metaphorical projections.
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