Cross-Dialectal Comparison of Lima and Madrid Spanish: Acoustic and Perceptual Comparison of the Vowels
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dialectal comparison
varieties of Spanish
temporal cues comparación dialectal
variedades del español
indicio temporal

How to Cite

Pinillos, P. (2016). Cross-Dialectal Comparison of Lima and Madrid Spanish: Acoustic and Perceptual Comparison of the Vowels. Anuario De Letras. Lingüística Y Filología, 4(1), 127-157.


In this study, we suggest to verify if there are acoustic differences on Madrid and Lima Spanish vocalic systems. From this suggestion, we recommend to evidence that Lima Spanish vowels register more duration than Madrid vowels, and that there exist temporary differences in vowels perception between both Spanish varieties. In order to verify this, two tests (perception test and production test) were applied to 40 participants (20 from Madrid and 20 from Lima) from 19 to 25 years old. As a result, the investigation shows that vowels from Lima Spanish speakers demonstrate more duration than Madrid Spanish speakers, duration that, besides, is perceived and categorized as its own dialectal variety. However, even though Madrid Spanish speakers produce vowels with fewer duration, this cue is not perceived.
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