El cantarito: una forma de curar el espanto en una comunidad zapoteca
Contenido principal del artículo
The author presents a Zapotec text for curing gàl ryà'ld, 'susto' or 'fright' in San Pablo Güilá, Oaxaca. It is called "The Little Jug". Gàl ryà'ld is caused by an accident or anger, where the victim's soul abandons the body, causing symptoms such as loss of appetite, insomnia, colds, fever, et cetera. In the ceremony, the curer uses the chant analyzed here and the music from drumming with the hands over the mouth of a black pot in order to recuperate the person's soul.
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Cómo citar
López Cruz, A. (2013). El cantarito: una forma de curar el espanto en una comunidad zapoteca. Tlalocan, 12. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.1997.152
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