"Tan ancha como tu abuela": adivinanzas en náhuatl del Guerrero Central

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Jonathan D. Amith


In this extensive study which was originally givento Tlalocan in 1987, Amith presents, classifies and analyzes the morethan 129 riddles that he has collected from central Guerrero, in particularfrom Ameyaltepec and San Agustín Oapan. The author situates the riddles both asa world-wide genre and within the Mesoamerican oral tradition. Amith alsodescribes the geographical region, and presents salient features of theAmeyaltepec and Oapan dialects of Nahuatl. In addition, he has provided amplenotes that identify and explain the references in the riddles, as well as anAppendix which lists the explicit and implicit metaphors.



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Cómo citar
Amith, J. D. (2013). "Tan ancha como tu abuela": adivinanzas en náhuatl del Guerrero Central. Tlalocan, 12. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.1997.145
Textos y documentos sobre lenguas yutoaztecas
Biografía del autor/a

Jonathan D. Amith

Maestro en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Yale. Actualmente es el gerente de edición de la Hispanic American Historical Review. Esta terminando su tesis doctoral, The Marginalization of Mexican Peasants: The Political Economy of Central Guerrero during the Colonial Period, además de un extenso diccionario sobre el náhuatl de Ameyaltepec, Guerrero. Ha editado La tradición del amate: innovación y protesta en el arte mexicana y es coautor con Thomas C. Smith-Stark de "Transitive nouns and split possessive paradigms in Central Guerrero Náhuatl".