On the Decipherment of Affix T102 (T103) and the Compounds T501:102 and T630.181 of the Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions

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Dieter Dütting


In a recent paper Fougt (1965) tries to read the so called “bundle” affixes T102 and T103 as –al, whilerejecting Barthel´s earlier decipherment (1952) of affix T23 as –al. Since the interpretation of T23 as –al is supported by many more examples than the few Barthel presents in his early paper (cf. Thompson 1962:43, 67 and Barthel´s more recents paper) we have been thinking about an alternative reading of affixes T102, 103. The conclusion is that the plural suffixes –ob, -ab, -ib and/or the plural particle –tak fit the occurrences of the T102, 103 in the hieroglyphs from Thompson´s catolg (1962) and are transcribed in his numbering system.

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Cómo citar
Dütting, D. (2012). On the Decipherment of Affix T102 (T103) and the Compounds T501:102 and T630.181 of the Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 7. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.ecm.1968.7.702
Biografía del autor/a

Dieter Dütting

Doctorado en bioquímica en la Universität zu Munich, 1960. Estudios postdoctorales en la University of Wisconsin, U.S.A. Actualmente trabaja en el lnstitut für Genetik de la Universiät zu Köln sobre biosíntesis. Bajo el patrocinio del Dr. Barthel se ha dedicado últimamente al estudio de la escritura maya. Hemos publicado su artículo “Algunas consideraciones sobre el trabajo de H. Berlin The Palenque Triad” en Estudios de cultura maya.