The Popol Vuh Revisited: A Comparison With Modern Chamula Narrative Tradition

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Gary H. Gossen


It is hardly noteworthy to observe still another case in which folklore behaves with remarkable conservatism over the centuries. What, one might ask, makes it interesting that a contemporary Maya Indian community in southern Mexico preserves much of what we believe to have been in the oral tradition of the Ancient Maya? I believe that the comparison here explored IS of more than passing interest, for it deals with perhaps the best known Amerindian Classic, the Popol Vuh, of the Ancient Quiche Maya.

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Cómo citar
Gossen, G. H. (2013). The Popol Vuh Revisited: A Comparison With Modern Chamula Narrative Tradition. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 11.
Biografía del autor/a

Gary H. Gossen

Ph. D. por la Universidad de Harvard. Actualmente es Profesor Asociado de Antropología en la Universidad Santa Cruz de California, dedicándose especialmente al folklore, historia oral, organización social y religión del área maya. Ha publicado numerosos estudios en libros y revistas especializados, como "Chamula Genres of Verbal Behavior"; Chamelas in the World of the Sun: Time and Space in Maya Oral Tradition, y "A Chamula Calendar Board from Chiapas, México", entre otros.