All manuscripts submitted to the Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología are subject to a double-blind peer review that preserves the anonymity of authors and reviewers throughout the review process.
The review process normally takes an average of four to six weeks. Reviewers are invited to submit their comments within a suggested time frame, and their cooperation is requested to avoid delays.
Submitted manuscripts receive an initial review by the editorial staff that evaluates the topic and formal adherence to the journal’s editorial norms. Identifying information is then removed to guarantee the anonymity of the review. The manuscript is sent to two experts, generally external to the institution and in all cases independent of the journal’s editorial staff. If both reviews are favorable, the author is notified, the manuscript is once again reviewed for form, and it is sent to be prepared for publication. If there is disagreement between the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer, whose recommendation is decisive. All accepted manuscripts undergo a final evaluation by the editorial committee, whose decision is final.
Editor/author interactions: acknowledgement of receipt of manuscript with letter requesting grant of rights and commitment to the code of ethics; agreement to review process; results of the double review; notification of acceptance.
Editor/reviewer interactions: invitation to review with suggested time frame; acknowledgement of acceptance of the invitation; sending of review forms; acknowledgement of receipt of review; if the editorial decision involves major changes, resubmission of the revised manuscript to the same reviewer with a request for a second report; sending of formal acknowledgement of evaluation.
El Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología is currently in the process of publishing its rates of acceptance and rejection of submitted manuscripts.
Detection of Plagiarism
The Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología uses specialized software to detect plagiarism: Crossref Similarity Check-iThenticate and Compilatio. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed for plagiarism before being sent for editorial and peer review.
If the possibility of plagiarism is detected or reported in a published article, the procedure of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is followed, as described in this diagram.