Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for Authors


The Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología is dedicated primarily to the publication and dissemination of original research in the field of linguistics and philology focused on the Spanish language.

The journal welcomes submissions that are original and unpublished, written in Spanish, that have not been approved for publication and are not under consideration by other journals.

An original work is understood to be a report on one’s own research, performed with methodological rigor, that has not been plagiarized.

An unpublished work is understood to be one that has not previously been published in any other medium.

The Anuario welcomes three types of texts: articles, notes, and reviews.

An article reports, in a clear and organized way, the results of research, either empirical or theoretical, and has a maximum length of 9000 words.

A note investigates a specific issue. It pursues one of two general objectives: to communicate preliminary results or to announce new findings. Its maximum length is 4500 words.

A review presents a critical reading of a recent publication (published in the previous three years) on a subject relating to the topics of interest to the Anuario. Its maximum length is 2000 words.


Peer Review Process

Articles and notes submitted are evaluated according to the following process:

  1. Submitted material will receive a preliminary review by the Editorial Committee, and texts that pass this review will then undergo a double-blind review process that determines whether they are recommended for publication. This first step in the process may take 6-8 weeks.
  2. The results of the review may be one of the following: a) accepted without revision; b) accepted with minor revisions; c) conditionally accepted; or d) not accepted.
  3. Accepted manuscripts will be returned to the author to make the requested corrections; the author will be given 30 days to do so. The revised manuscript should be accompanied by a letter explaining how the reviewers’ comments were addressed.
  4. The corrected manuscript will be reviewed again before it is accepted for publication. The final decision on publication will be communicated to the author within two weeks.
  5. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be treated as confidential by all parties involved in the journal’s review and publication process.

Authors must observe the following general guidelines:

  1. Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. All text, including footnotes and bibliography, must be in Times New Roman 12-point, double-spaced, and accompanied by an abstract in Spanish and English, as well as four to six key words in each language. The maximum length of the abstract is 300 words.
  2. An article or note shall include a title, right-justified, in upper and lower case.
  3. The first version of the manuscript should be anonymous. The author’s name, affiliation, and contact information should be sent in a separate file. After a manuscript has been accepted, they should be included immediately after the title, right-justified, as shown below.

                                                                                                                                    Author’s Name

                                                                                                                                   Author’s Affiliation

                                                                                                                                   Author’s Email

  1. In reviews, the bibliographic data for the book under review should be left-justified, and the author’s information right-justified as above.

Example of bibliographic data for a book under review:

 Beatriz Arias Álvarez (dir. y ed.), Documentos públicos y privados del siglo xvi. Textos para la historia del  español colonial mexicano I, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2014, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-607-02-6172-5.

  1. Section titles, subtitles, and subheadings should be hierarchized as follows:

                                Titles in roman type, upper and lower case, followed by a blank line.

                                Subtitles in italics, upper and lower case, followed by a blank line.

                                Subheadings in roman type, upper and lower case, no extra line space.

  1. Paragraphs should be indented, except for the first paragraph of a section.
  2. Graphics, figures, plates, and tables should be included in the text in their proper place, with the caption below. Tables should use the same font as the body of the text. Images should be sent in TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.
  3. Textual notes should be included as consecutively numbered footnotes and indicated with superscript Arabic numerals, without parentheses, after, not before, the punctuation mark. (For example: ...sintaxis;1 not ...sintaxis2.)
  4. Bibliographic references should be included at the end of the text under the subtitle “Referencias”, in alphabetical order by author, following APA style. The latest version of APA style can be found at the following link:
  5. Where there are references to the author’s own works in the body of the text, they should be replaced with the word Author. Bibliographic information for these works should be removed from the References section, except for the year of publication, in order to guarantee anonymity.

Manuscripts not meeting these requirements will be returned. They must be resubmitted with the appropriate corrections before the review process can begin.