Leticia Colin Salazar

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6633-4447


Leticia Colin Salazar is Associate Researcher at the Juan M. Lope Blanch Center for Spanish Linguistics of the Institute for Philological Research, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She received her bachelor’s degree in Spanish language and literature from UNAM with a thesis on lexical variation in the Americas. Her master’s (2014) and doctoral theses (2019) at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro are on the use of directional prepositions in Spanish such as hastahacia, and desde. She has taught undergraduate courses on academic communication skills in Spanish, and graduate courses on semantics and discourse analysis. Her current research interests are in semantics, syntax, dialectal and sociolinguistic variation, and discourse analysis. Her publications include “Distribución diacrónica de algunos usos de hasta en cuatro siglos en el español de México” (Res Diachronicae, 2015) and “Proyección subjetiva de trayectos temporales y espaciales con ‘hasta’” (Normas, 2018).