Danza dialogada huave Olmalndiük y texto en zapoteco

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Cayuqui Estage Noel


The Huave dance-drama Olmalndiük (The Head of the Serpent) from San Mateo del Mar is described in detail, including a discussion of the symbolism. In the dance, the lightning bolt slays the serpent. Included is the text of the dance, recited in archaic Spanish much influenced by Huave. The author gives as well a text in Zapotec from San Pablo Lachiriega in the Sierra de Oaxaca, which was transcribed and translated by Elpidio Mendoza. The Zapotec story is basically the same as the Huave drama. By comparison of the two, the author concludes that the serpent represents the negative forces in water that cause floods and other harm, while the lightning bolt is symbol of the positive forces that benefit man.


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Cómo citar
Estage Noel, C. (2013). Danza dialogada huave Olmalndiük y texto en zapoteco. Tlalocan, 9. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.1982.62
Textos del área de Oaxaca
Biografía del autor/a

Cayuqui Estage Noel

Miembro del Taller de Investigación de Teatro Indígena de la Escuela de Bellas Artes, de la Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre danzas y representaciones sobre todo en el estado de Oaxaca. Ha organiza o muestras nacionales de teatro indígena actual.