Concierto y carta de venta de tierras y casas. Don Antonio Huithsimengari (1553)

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Frida Villavicencio


“Concierto y carta de venta de tierras y casas. Don Antonio Huithsimengari [1553]” is a judicial text that is a good example of how the vernacular language was used during the first years of the colonial period to record and give testimony about commercial transactions. In addition to the paleographies of the Purepecha text and the Spanish version of the Purepecha text included with the original document, Frida Villavicencio provides a linguistic analysis. In her introduction, she describes principal points of the linguistic transcription in contrast with the paleography, including the reconstruction of voiceless vowels not represented in the document. Following the documents, she gives the reader a version with an interlineal linguistic analysis.


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Cómo citar
Villavicencio, F. (2011). Concierto y carta de venta de tierras y casas. Don Antonio Huithsimengari (1553). Tlalocan, 14.
Textos de interés histórico
Biografía del autor/a

Frida Villavicencio

Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores e Antropología Social