Textos huastecos

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Barbara Edmonson
Cándido Hernández Vidales
Francisca Vidales


The author has included five annotated Huastec texts. Four are by Cándido Hernandez: "The story of the Tepa", "The homed serpent", "Respect for the stars", and "The influence of the moon and the stars", and a fifth, the "Tsakam kwitool" or "Little Boy", is by Francisca Vidales. The "Tepa" is described as a man who was born in the mountains and baptized in water, and who grew up with the ability to fly at great speed, even as far as Spain. In this particular story he helps a poor man by giving him food. Edmonson notes that the text "The little boy", in which the title character brings water and fire to the village, is told with great drama and much use of dialogue. The texts referring to the stars report various Huastec beliefs about these, while "The horned serpent" describes a serpent with golden horns that leave gold in its path.


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Cómo citar
Edmonson, B., Hernández Vidales, C., & Vidales, F. (2013). Textos huastecos. Tlalocan, 13. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.2001.154
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Biografía del autor/a

Cándido Hernández Vidales

Miembro de la comunidad huasteca de Tanjasnec, "Lugar de las Moscas", en el municipio de San Antonio, San Luis Potosí.

Francisca Vidales

Huasteca de la comunidad de Tancuime, municipio de Aquismón, San Luis Potosí.

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