La alfabetización y la tradición oral: un ejemplo del maya tojolabal

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Jill Brody


In this analysis of Tojolabal oral literature, Brody compares two versions of the same text about a fight between St. Bartholomew and St. Thomas, one written and one presented orally. She notes similarities and differences between the two forms. They both call the attention of the speaker, and the inclusion of all details is not considered highly important. As for differences, among others, she points out that hesitation words are used more often in the oral presentation to call the audience's attention, and that the average length of sentences is shorter than in the written version. In the Apendices, the texts are given in Tojolabal with a Spanish translation.


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Cómo citar
Brody, J. (2013). La alfabetización y la tradición oral: un ejemplo del maya tojolabal. Tlalocan, 11.
Estudios monográficos
Biografía del autor/a

Jill Brody

Doctora en Antropología por la Universidad de Washington, de Saint Louis, Missouri. Profesora del Departamento de Antropología y Geografía de la Universidad Estatal de Luisiana. Ha realizado investigaciones de campo entre los tojolabales. Es coeditora de la journal of Mayan Linguistics y del volumen Discourse Genres in Tojolabal Maya. Tojolabal Maya Culture and Language. Sus trabajos publicados incluyen "Repetition as a rhetorical and conversational device in Tojolabal (Mayan)".