Versión de la "Guerra de la venganza", Texto mitológico de la Baja California indígena

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Mauricio J. Mixco


This mythological text, "The War of Revenge", was told in Paipai, a Yuman language of northern Baja California. Mixco (1984) has published an English-Paipai version also. The same story in Kiliwa was published in 1939 by Meigs. It relates a battle between humans, led by a wise man and a god, in which the latter wins and throws the wise man's head into the heavens where it becomes a comet.


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Cómo citar
Mixco, M. J. (2013). Versión de la "Guerra de la venganza", Texto mitológico de la Baja California indígena. Tlalocan, 11.
Textos en lenguas yumanas y otomangues
Biografía del autor/a

Mauricio J. Mixco

Doctor en Lingüística por la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Profesor del Programa de Lingüística y del Departamento de Lenguas de la Universidad de Utah en Salt Lake City. Es autor de A Grammu of Kiliwa Texts: “When I Have Donned My Crest of Stars” y “Cochimi and Proto Yuman: Lexicall and Syntactic Evidence for a New Languge Family in Lower California.

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