Topónimos coras

Contenido principal del artículo

Eugen Casad


In this introductory material, Casad notes that Cora toponyms are well-rooted grammatically in the language. His classification of the 130-odd terms collected is according to flora, bird names, animals and insects, body parts, mythology, social groups, unspecified geographical areas and miscellaneous. Each term is analyzed acording to morphemes, and both a literal Spanish translation and the term used by mestizos for the place are given. He also includes information on the formation of other locatives and names for inhabitants.


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Cómo citar
Casad, E. (2013). Topónimos coras. Tlalocan, 11.
Etnolingüística Yutoazteca
Biografía del autor/a

Eugen Casad

Doctor en Lingüística por al Universidad de California en San Diego. Ha llevado a cabo investigaciones de campo entre los coras. Sus publicaciones incluyen '"Inside' and 'outside' in Cora grammar", con Ronald W. Langacker, y "Cora" en Southern Uto-Aztecan Sketches.