El título de Ilocab
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The Quiché Title of Ilocab, given here in facsimile with modem transcription, translation, and notes, is one of seven from San Miguel Totonicapan in Guatemala that Carmack found and was given permission to copy. Although differing in many respects, it apparently was based on Vico' s Theologia Indorum, a part of which is also published in this issue of Tlalocan. The authors believe that the original document may have been from the sixteenth century, but that the present copy must have been made later, probably in the seventeenth or even the eighteenth century.
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Cómo citar
Carmack, R. M., & Mondloch, J. (2016). El título de Ilocab. Tlalocan, 10. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.1985.106
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