Una denuncia en náhuatl, Partido de Olinalá, 1595

Contenido principal del artículo

Miguel León-Portilla


The document published here, a letter in Nahuatl written in 1595 by a member of the Indian community of Chiyauhtzinco, district of Olinala in the present day state of Guerrero, comes from Ramo de Inquisición of the Archivo General de Ia Nación, Mexico. The author offers the paleography of the document and a Spanish translation of it, and discusses its various implications. In résumé, we have here an example of the kind of letters and related kind of communications, written by ordinary people defending their interests, in this case the dignity of his own wife and his marital life. The document, written in a vivid form, illustrates the kind of Nahuatl used in the area of Olinalá and Tlapa by the end of the 16th. century.


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Cómo citar
León-Portilla, M. (2013). Una denuncia en náhuatl, Partido de Olinalá, 1595. Tlalocan, 7. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.1977.1
Documentos en lengua indígena
Biografía del autor/a

Miguel León-Portilla

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ha sido director del Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas (1963-1975). Actualmente investigador Titular de Tiempo Completo en el mismo Instituto. De su bibliografía pueden citarse: La filosofía náhuatl estudiada en sus fuentes, Ritos, sacerdotes y atavíos de los dioses, Trece poetas del mundo azteca yDe Teotihuacan a los aztecas.