The “Cacique” of K’ankujk’

Contenido principal del artículo

Henning Siverts


In an earlier treatment of politics and leadership in Highland Chiapas, it was argued that a certain type of Indian leader is likely to emerge when problems of communication are present in the dealings which take place between Spanish speaking representatives of the Mexican administration and the Indian speaking tribal authorities (Siverts 1964). This form of leadership is based on non-traditional sources of authority and involves. among other things, the acquisition of fluency in the Spanish language, literacy, and a knowledge of Ladino (non-Indian) culture generally.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Siverts, H. (2012). The “Cacique” of K’ankujk’. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 5.
Biografía del autor/a

Henning Siverts

Maestría en Arte de la Universidad de Oslo. Investigador de la Universidad de Bergen (1959-64) y del Consejo Noruego de Investigaciones (1965-66). Profesor Auxiliar huésped en el Pomona College, Calif. (1962-63). Trabajos de campo en Chiapas (1953-54 y 1961-62). En la primavera de 1963 trabajó en Chiapas en el proyecto “Driking Patterns”. Ha recibido varias becas. Diversas publicaciones, entre ellas: Social and Cultural Changes in Tzetzal (Mayan) Municipio, Chiapas, México;  Political Organization in a Tzeltal Community in Chiapas, Mexico; On Politics and Leadership in Highland Chiapas; Oxchujk’: En Mayastame i Mexico; Some Economic Implicatios of Plural Society in Highland Chiapas.