The Effect of Patrilocal Households on Nuclear Family Interaction in Zinacantán

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Francesca M. Cacian


This paper explores some effects of residence patterns routine family interaction in Zinacantán, Chiapas, Mexico. Five nuclear families (neolocal households) are compared with five extended families which include the parents of the husband (patrilocal households). In both types of households the routine interaction among women and children was recorded. In this paper, the interaction record is analyzed to see if the differences between the two types of households can be explained by a theory of interaction based on small groups research. Some findings that are not directly relevant to the theory are also examined.

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Cómo citar
Cacian, F. M. (2012). The Effect of Patrilocal Households on Nuclear Family Interaction in Zinacantán. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 5.
Biografía del autor/a

Francesca M. Cacian

Doctorado en Sociología de la Harvard University en 1963. Especializada en: grupos pequeños, familia, psicología social. Actualmente Investigadora Asociada en Sociología en la Stanford University, Principales publicaciones: Functional analysis of change, 1960; Interaction patterns in Zinacanteco families, 1964.