Inter-Site Dynastic Relations Recorded on a Plate from Holmul, Guatemala
Contenido principal del artículo
A polychrome ;plate (fig. 1a) excavated by R. E. Merwin at Holmul in the early part of this century contains a long glyphic inscription which may record dynastic relationships between this site and Naranjo, located some 30 kilometers south of Holmul. The plate (Peabody Museum #c-5666, here designated H19) was one of five vessels accompanying an adult burial at Holmul in Building F of Group 1 (fig. 1 b). The burial contained an individual of high status, indicated by the nature of the tomb itself and by the burial furniture. I suggest that the text painted on the plate refers to the interred individual and demonstrates dynastic ties between the two sites as the protagonist (i.e. the individual buried in this tomb) is recorded as being a descendant of Ruler 4 of Naranjo. Ruler 4 held the throne roughly between and (780-793 AD) which would date the plate slightly later between 9.17 .13.0.0 and (793-810 AD).
The burial was found in Building F of Group I (fig. 1b). Merwin and Vaillant (1932: 15) describe the building as having been constructed solely to serve as a burial mound. This is evidenced by the structure having only one building stage and its being intrusive into Group I. The funerary nature of Building F is further revealed by the vaulted tomb having been built after the body was laid on the plastered floor.
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