Dumbarton Oaks Relief Panel 4
Contenido principal del artículo
In 1963, Dumbarton Oaks acquired a Maya relief panel from a European dealer in exchange for another object. The relief had been broken in antiquity and then suffered further dissection in modern times. When Dumbarton Oaks received the piece, all recovered fragments had been awkwardly set in cement, within the bands of a steel frame. The stone is a yellow-gray limestone, easily pocked by erosion, and some fragments are consequently very worn. As the piece now stands, it measures 151.5 by 56 cm. It has been designated Dumbarton Oaks Relief Panel 4 (figures 1 and 2).
Figured on the relief is a single Maya ruler. He records his celebration of the lahuntun ending (A. D. 800) in the glyphic text at lower left. His bare feet are turned outward; the slight suggestion of a lifted heel is caused only by unevenly matched stone fragments. With his left hand, he holds an abbreviated ceremonial bar to his chest. In his right hand, he holds the strap on the rear of a shield. In this way, we are shown the clenched palm of the ruler, an unusual view with a limited geographical distribution.
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