New Quichean Chronicles from Highland Guatemala

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Robert M. Carmack


Ethnohistoric studies of the prehispanic Quichean cultures of high· land Guatemala (especially the Quiche, Cakchiquel, and Tzutujil groups) have primarily been focused on native chronicles written during the middle of the 16th century. In addition to the justifiably famous Popol Vuh and Annals of the Cakchiquels, there are another 16 major and 10 minor documents of this type. The PV and Annals are easily the most extensive of these and provide us with the "official" view of Quichean history and culture. The other native documents are crucial for a well rounded reconstruction, because they provide us with insights into the variation on Quichean culture and history which existed. Consequently, most of my efforts and those of other scholars of Quichean cultures have been put into the discovery, transcription, translation, and exegesis of the native chronicles.

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Cómo citar
Carmack, R. M. (2013). New Quichean Chronicles from Highland Guatemala. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 13.
Biografía del autor/a

Robert M. Carmack

Ph. D. en Antropología en la Universidad de California, Los Angeles, ha trabajado como maestro e investigador en varias universidades de E. U. Actualmente es Director de:! Instituto de Estudios mesoamericanos en la Universidad de Nueva York en Albany. Entre sus múltiples publicaciones podemos mencionar: Historia Social de los Quiches, Evolución del Reino Quiche.
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