The Authentic Subdivisions of Daytime and Night Among the Tzotzil Rejection of a Popular Model of the Universe

Contenido principal del artículo

Ulrich Köhler


This paper examines Tzotzil concepts on day and night and how they are subdivided. In order to understand the indigenous cognitive system it is important to clarify where the sequence begins and to determine the periods and/or points within it, their lengths and how they are delimited from each other. If the phases are conceived of metaphorically, it is an additional goal of the investigation to show how the various metaphoric images are distributed throughout the sequence. The principle question regards the possible existence of a pre-Columbian subdivision of day and night which is comparable to the Western division of the day into hours.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Köhler, U. (2013). The Authentic Subdivisions of Daytime and Night Among the Tzotzil Rejection of a Popular Model of the Universe. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 20.
Biografía del autor/a

Ulrich Köhler

Doctor en filosofí por la Universidad de Munster. Es catedrático y director del Instituto de Etnología de la Universidad de Friburgo, Alemania. Desde 1963 realiza investigaciones antropológicas en el área maya, sobre todo en Chiapas, así como en el centro de México. Ha publicado los libros Cambio cultural dirigido en los Altos de Chiapas; Chonbilal Ch'ulelall. Alma vendida; Altamerikanistik; Zur Ethnografie der Tzotzil con Chenalhó y Santa Catarina Pantelhó, los últimos tres como compilador y autor; y entre sus artículos esta: "The Maya of Chiapas: Changes and Research 1965-1995".