On the Reconstruction of Calendarical Sections on the Mayan Codices
Contenido principal del artículo
Sequential sets of day glyphs are shown to occur as special tables in each of th three codices, Dresden, Madrid, and Paris. They reproduce the order of the appearance of the day glyphs in the calendarical sections of those pages of the codices which are responsibly complete. These sets are more general in scope then the orders of arrangement observable on particular pages which were previously used in the reconstruction of mutilated pages.
It is suggested that the sequential sets, hereinafter describes, can be used with confidence to reconstruct the calendarical section of any page in any of the codices if at least one of it´s day glyphs is legible, and enough of it´s number signs are legible to descern its interval.
An index is prepared which list the appropriate sets associated with each page of the Madrid and Dresden Codices, and complete readings of certain calendar sections are presented for the first time.
Detalles del artículo
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