Displaced Mayan Sculpture

Contenido principal del artículo

Clemency Coggins


The following listing has been compiled as a referente tool for Mayanist. It reports the present location of many taceable Mayan sculptures wich have left their sites in the past ten to fifteen years. It also attempts to list some recently plundered sites in order to help in the identification of objects as they appear on the art market.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Coggins, C. (2012). Displaced Mayan Sculpture. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 8. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.ecm.1972.8.323
Biografía del autor/a

Clemency Coggins

Bachiller en Historia del Arte de Wellesley college. Estudios en École du Louvre y en la Sorbonne. Maestría en Arte obtenida en la Universidad de Harvard; actualmente termina su tesis doctoral titulada “Lowland Maya Ceramic Styles” en la Universidad de Harvard. Prepara un artículo sobre el estilo pictórico de Tikal para Tikal Reports.