Problems with Evaluation of Population from Settlement Data: Examination of Ancient Maya Residential Patterns in the Tikal-Yaxhá Intersite Area

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Anabel Ford


For quite some time now, scholars pave recognized the profusion of ancient Maya house ruins found in the central Maya lowlands. Efforts of the past several decades served to underscore earlier casual observations by accurately documenting the extent of the settlement and the implications for Maya demography. Survey results from the heartland around Tikal indicate residential structure densities from 100 to 200 per sq. km. Clearly, these )Ugh structure densities during the Classic Period provide a basis for estimating a high population density, but let us not draw hasty conclusions about the actual population size. We are now at a point where we may interpret structure density patterns and residential unit distinctions which, in turn, furnish part of the basis for considering population estimates. Estimating population size, however, requires a full understanding of residential unit use, distribution, and composition. Without more extensive excavations at residences, especially in the noncentral zones, I do not think we are at the point where we can actually make population estimates.

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Cómo citar
Ford, A. (2013). Problems with Evaluation of Population from Settlement Data: Examination of Ancient Maya Residential Patterns in the Tikal-Yaxhá Intersite Area. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 18.
Biografía del autor/a

Anabel Ford

Realizó los estudios de Doctorado en la Universidad de California, en Santa Bárbara, se ha dedicado principalmente a los estudios de patrón de asentamiento y sus relaciones con el medio ambiente. Es investigadora en arqueología en el Instituto de Investigaciones de los Procesos Sociales en el Centro de Investigaciones de Mesoamérica que ella preside, en la Universidad de California en Santa Bárbara. Entre sus publicaciones destacan Population Growth and Economic Complexity.