Flight of the Monarch: Interpreting the Enigmatic History of Piedras Negras Throne 1

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Péter Bíró
Barbara MacLeod


Reflexivity is a key feature of the development of all disciplines. Following the phonetic revolution, Maya epigraphy reached the point of incorporating this component. In this paper, we present the application of reflexivity through the interpretation of a difficult text, Piedras Negras Throne 1. We do this in addition to our philological approach. Starting from the grammatical elements, this approach then reveals not only the possible drivers of a series of historical events, but also the beliefs around the sacred bundle that were essential to the reign of the king in the Classic Period.

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Bíró, P. ., & MacLeod, B. . (2025). Flight of the Monarch: Interpreting the Enigmatic History of Piedras Negras Throne 1. Estudios De Cultura Maya, 64, 37-96. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.ecm.64.2024/0011WX00S892


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